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Friday, November 11, 2011

On a search for holiday photos... Tiny Prints!!

I make an awful lot of stuff around Christmas - decorations, sometimes ornaments, gift tags, cards.  It's true - I always make my holiday cards. Well, not ALWAYS. I mean, I haven't always made them, but the past couple of years, I have handcrafted them. We don't send THAT many.

However, now that we have a family I like to include a nice photo of the girls together. (Nice being the operative word. "Acceptable" will suffice. LOL) So last year I made cards and sent them with a photo greeting card, that way we had the best of both worlds. Cause I can! LOL And honestly, I am NOT good at creating nice photo things. I leave that up to the creative and talented people who know way more about such things than me!

This year a friend told me about Tiny Prints so I've been checking out their selections. Wow! They have a ton of really cute Christmas cards available. I'm finding it hard to choose just one, but so far this one is my favorite:

You can find that one here.

Or maybe this one? I love how classic and gorgeous it is:

You can find that one here.

Now I just have to get a GOOD picture of the girls. You know, one with both of their eyes open. And looking somewhere near the camera, and no one running away, or fussing, or poking the other one...

And the nice people at Tiny Prints are going to make the "turning the acceptable photo into a cute holiday creation" possible for me. And I love that! So tell me, blog peeps, do YOU have tips to get a good holiday photo? Because I could surely use some...


1 comment:

  1. Those are adorable! I don't have any tips for getting good photos of little ones. Mine is at an age where he won't pose for anything and my husband is a terrible photographer! LOL


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