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Friday, October 4, 2013

OWH World Cardmaking Day blog hop - the PRIZES and the story!

So, first for the story.

This is what we do:
Yup, that's a telephone directory. We are one of the few independent (read: not a telephone company) publishers left in the US, and one of the very, very few that only publishes one book. Each year we have a theme - past themes have included a police & fire edition, a community events edition, and a made in central Wisconsin edition. This year was our tribute to veterans edition. There's really cool kid artwork in the front of the book.

The top left says "I love you solders!" awww.

The top right says "thank you for the peace." :)

I helped contribute "filler space" in the yellow... with a nod to OWH:

But the most important section, the back of the book, is reserved for the stories of local heroes. There's also information about local companies that supported war efforts, including Weinbrenner Shoes, which has recently been awarded multi-million dollar contracts for military boots and Roddis Plywood Corporation, who dedicated 90% of wartime production to the needs the Allied production of aircraft and naval vessels during WWII. And this from a small town of less than 20,000 people!

Anyhow. I happened to make an Anyhero card for a sketch challenge as we were finishing the book and sending the files to the printers, and my husband suggested that it would be a great thank you note to the veterans and the families that contributed. The guy that did the interviews was thrilled when I asked... so I got busy. 

And now you know the story! On to prizes! First up is paper, because I could give a LOT away and not make a serious dent:

Basic Grey hello, luscious and Jillibean Soup homemade 6 bean soup

And then a second prize:

Layers of Color birdday party
Inky Impressions
Studio G holiday stamps
Leave a comment below for a chance to win. For a second chance, you must leave a second comment telling me that you are a follower!  Winners will be announced on Tuesday to give everyone a chance to hop. :)



  1. What a wonderful tribute to our troops, past and preset! Thanks for supporting them!
    I am a follower of your blog as well :)
    Beth's Beauties

  2. Jen, what a fabulous story! Thanks for all you do for our heroes. I love how each edition is dedicated to ones who are so deserving. Great job!

  3. What a great story and so cool that you could get involved! Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a wonderful way to honor the veterans. Thanks for sharing what you do.

  5. Great story and great tribute to our Hero's!!!

  6. I am a follower of you on Bloglovin...and I am your friend on FB...and fellow card maker on OWH ((after all that I really should win something don't you think?)) :)

  7. What a great story, and a super cool community!

  8. What a great tribute - to our heroes, as well as the other editions' spotlights. I love the card yo made for the blog hop - and your measurements look fine to me ;) Thanks for sharing!

  9. Loved reading the story about your card inspiration and love how you helped spread the word about OWH!!!

  10. I am a new follower!!! thank you so much for the chance to win .
    kladd94803 at aol dot com

  11. Great story and I liked the card you made.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  12. I am a follower--Sue D on GFC.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  13. what an awesome story, thanks for sharing it with us. I enjoyed your blog hop card, even if you didn't follow a sketch :)

  14. I decided to follow your blog too, I visit it often enough following it would be easier :)

  15. What a great story and a way to honor the Heros!

  16. Hi Jen,
    Love the back story and your OWH-blog-hop card was awesome, too. Paper Smooches are my fave stamps for sentiments. Marshfield WI!! We just moved to Canada from Milwaukee a couple of years ago. LOVE Wisconsin. Yr new follower, CB


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